William Blair
1950-2024 -
Sandi Cockrell
1949-2024 -
Mildred Howell
1934-2024 -
Rebecca "Becky" Carrillo
1941-2024 -
Anita Hawkins
1928-2024 -
Kent Simms
1936-2024 -
David Steinbrenner
1957-2024 -
Larry Jones
1943-2024 -
Vicky Baker
1952-2024 -
Colton Talley
1979-2024 -
Clifford Morris
1958-2024 -
Sandy Petrich
1958-2024 -
Mary Leach
Lewis Simmons Jr.
1928-2024 -
Clyde Christensen
1941-2024 -
Margaret Sampson
1935-2024 -
Barbara "Barbie" Barclift
1955-2024 -
John Zollars Jr.
1951-2024 -
Roberta "Bobbie" Baumann
1942-2024 -
Kenneth Susedik
Peggy Black
Judy Norris
1943-2024 -
Linda Shinabarger
James Ion
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