Arthur "Art" Sell
1942-2024 -
Donna Asboe
1942-2024 -
Bernard Rumpca
1933-2024 -
Lyndsey Everhart
2001-2024 -
Raymond Peterson
1940-2024 -
David "Dave" Gordon
1944-2024 -
Allen Kieling
1955-2024 -
Linda Wanner
1939-2024 -
Rex Wilson
1956-2024 -
Jan Wilson
1961-2024 -
Roger Paul
1938-2024 -
Dean Steelman
1928-2024 -
Rose Montecucco
1933-2024 -
Carol Ann Beko
1940-2024 -
Emily Cook
1941-2024 -
Thomas Pokorny
1939-2024 -
Grace Rumpca
1938-2024 -
James Wiersma
1938-2024 -
Clarence (Tod) Kenagy
1934-2024 -
Renee Baer
1944-2024 -
Jay VanSant
1949-2024 -
Christine "Chris" Williamson
1949-2024 -
Charles "Chuck" Stamps
1929-2024 -
Michael Zagyva
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