Kathryn Clement
1949-2024 -
Gayle Dana
1941-2024 -
Solomon Samuels
1932-2024 -
Joseph Catlin
1967-2024 -
Michael McCarthy
1953-2024 -
Betty Wells
1940-2024 -
Pallop Chivaluksna
1937-2024 -
C. Jones, C.S.V.
1950-2024 -
Patricia Bora
1948-2024 -
Barbara Butler
1926-2024 -
Pam Bradley
1957-2024 -
Dorothy Manchenton
1928-2024 -
Holly Doetschman
1944-2024 -
Joel Whittaker
1941-2024 -
Raymond "Ray" Root
1937-2024 -
Dennis Gibbs
1950-2024 -
Cathy Martin
1970-2024 -
L.R. Jacobson
1935-2024 -
Julia Stahn
1943-2024 -
Edward Courtney
1940-2024 -
Jan Jager
1940-2024 -
Carl Trimmer
1939-2024 -
Elvia Moreno
1944-2024 -
Patti Dragicevich
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